Top 5 Highest and Healthiest Food for Carbs

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Are you feeling low after a jog, gym, or study session? Chances are that your body lacks the premium energy nutrients known as carbohydrates. New-age dieting techniques such as Keto have ignited a wave of new low-carb diet plans, which are impressive but can adversely affect energy levels.

American Dietary Guidelines advise that 45-65% of their daily calories should come from carbohydrates. Not getting a sufficient amount of carbs can cause a lot of short and long-term problems since carbohydrates are responsible for a lot of bodily functions. Some primary functions include controlling energy levels, insulin metabolism, cholesterol, and metabolism.

So, regardless of all new trends, it’s clear that carbohydrates are essential, especially if you don’t plan on getting nutrient deficiencies or other complications. Thinking of adding more carbs to your diet? Let’s first see if you do lack them.

When Are You Not Taking Enough Carbs?

You never calculate your meals if you are not a big nutrition nerd like some. While that does save you a lot of time, it makes it difficult to spot deficiencies. You don’t need to worry since you can always spot them with typical symptoms. Here are some of the most common symptoms of a low-carb diet:

  • Low Energy Levels

As discussed previously, carbohydrates provide your body with the energy to function. When not taking enough carbs, you would feel yourself getting weak or even experiencing fatigue while working out or performing daily functions.

  • Low Concentration

Finding yourself drinking coffee after coffee at work but still feeling grouchier and less concentrated after each one? Well, you might want to look into your carb intake plans. Low carbohydrate intake can majorly lower concentration levels and affect work performance.

  • Unsatisfying Meals

Feel yourself getting hungry right after eating a lot of food. You are not eating a lot of carbs. That is because carbohydrates are responsible for suppressing appetite and regulating hunger and fullness cues.

  • Digestion Issues

Most daily life carb-based food helps you reach a daily fiber goal, which is essential for digestion. Low carbs cause you to intake a lower amount of fiber content, which in turn gives you digestion problems such as constipation.

Top 5 Healthiest Carb-Rich Foods

Nutrient intake depends on gender, height, weight, age, and activity levels. Inputting this information into any calorie calculator would give you a rough estimate of the calories and carbs your body requires. All you have to do next is to schedule and fit these five carbohydrate-rich foods into your meals; let’s go through them.

  • Quinoa

Quinoa is a seed traditionally used as a side dish while also being actively used in soups and flours. According to researchers, the seed has fewer calories and carbohydrates than rice, so why keep it in the first place? Well, that’s because it has a lot of natural carbohydrates, high-quality fiber, and even anti-oxidants. Eating Quinoa will give you many benefits while keeping your calorie count low if that’s something you are worried about.

  • Oats 

The ever-so-adjustable ‘oats’ can find its place anywhere and can easily fit into any meal. Made up of nearly 70% carbohydrates, each cup of oats provides 103 g of carbohydrates. Oats are a rich source that offers numerous complex carbs and soluble and insoluble fibers. Apart from this, Oats are proven to lower cholesterol and diabetes while also fueling your probiotics.

  • Potatoes

Often labeled as unhealthy, potatoes are packed with nutrients such as protein, fiber, potassium, and many carbohydrates. To be exact, each potato you eat has 26 grams of carbs. The best thing about potatoes? It will give you loads of options to choose from. Don’t want to eat a boiled potato, fry it, don’t like how it’s fried? Add some spices. Dislike eating white potatoes? Eat a sweet potato!

  • Brown Rice

Less famous and processed than white rice, brown rice contains a lot more carbohydrates. You can eat it as a side dish or even prepare whole meals with them. According to research, each cup of brown rice contains nearly 50g of carbohydrates.

  • Dates

Packing 18g of carbohydrates in itself, dates are no less than a miniature energy packet. Eating just five dates can provide carbs like a full meal. Apart from being high in carbs, dates contain calcium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin A, and fiber. Being high in fiber makes dates a very fulfilling food, which is why it’s always a good idea to eat them in smaller amounts.


Carb is an essential part of the everyday diet, despite many diet plans speaking against it. If you want to gain more insight about carbohydrates, their importance in your diet, and sources through which you can consume them, we hope this article was helpful for you.

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