The My Workout Journey continues to look for independent contributors to help build our information content that will be distributed in digital and print format. If you have an interest in contributing as a side gig or you are aspiring to become a fitness journalist or correspondent, we want to hear from you. If you are not a professional writer, but are an expert in your professional field, we want to hear from you.
Currently we are looking to grow our content with quality reporting and reliable information for our subscriber base. If you have an interest in volunteering your time to help the local community, and at the same time build your experience within a publication, we encourage you to submit your ideas and a sample of your work in your field or simply what you hope to achieve with sharing your knowledge as a subject matter expert.
Types of Contributors:
- General Content
- Blogging
- Social media posts
- Photography
Please be sure to include a short description of your experience and credentials, your age, a sample of your work and a reason why you would like to contribute to The My Workout Journey . Please fully disclose any potential or perceived conflicts of interests (e.g. elected or appointed elected official), affiliations with local government or agency, local political organizations, and social media pages. We may require a reference check depending on the subject matter.
The My Workout Journey reserves the right to review and determine whether the content is acceptable for publication, and reserves all rights to publish the material you submit for consideration for publication.
The submission to write or provide content to The My Workout Journey does not constitute full or part-time employment with us. Your contribution constitutes freelance work possibly a fee for service to the extent we agree to fee for service.
If you are under the age of 18 years, we will need formal permission from an adult parent or guardian.