30 Days ABS Workout

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Our month-long abs workout program will rock your core. Get ready!

When it comes to fitness, we tend to focus on the long term. Getting in shape can take a long time, and staying in shape is a lifelong commitment. Short-term tasks and goals, on the other hand, can provide a lot of value. They’re not only a terrific method to jump-start your health and motivation, but they also allow you to accomplish a lot in just 30 days.

This 30-day abs challenge is a fantastic illustration of those advantages. If you stick to each of the routines, you’ll have a stronger core and more defined abs at the end of the month. It’s difficult to predict if they’ll be defined enough to be classified as a six-pack — what you do in the kitchen has a big role – but we can guarantee more definition, better posture, and enhanced mobility.

This challenge trains your core endurance while also targeting all sections of the abdominals. It gradually increases in difficulty, allowing you to see progress every day until you have mastered each exercise by day 30.

Because the workouts just need bodyweight exercises, you can do them anywhere and whenever you have a free minute, making it simpler to stick to the plan no matter what life throws at you. Better yet, the exercises are appropriate for people of all fitness levels.

Each week of the plan consists of five days of the identical workout, with the difficulty of the program steadily increasing by 10 seconds per day until you reach 60 seconds. The timer starts over at the beginning of the next week, but you can also add a workout. So, in week one, you’ll do a three-move workout, then a four-move workout, and so on.

Once a week, you’ll increase the effort with a High-Intensity Interval Training workout consisting of five sets of 40 seconds of work and 20 seconds of recovery. High-Intensity Interval Training will increase your endurance and burn fat, allowing you to show off those hard-earned abs.

Day 1

Exercises: Dead bug, sit-up, Russian twisters Time 30s per round

Day 2

Exercises: Dead bug, sit-up, Russian twisters Time 40s per round

Day 3

Exercises: Dead bug, sit-up, Russian twisters Time 50s per round

Day 4

Exercises: Dead bug, sit-up, Russian twisters Time 60s per round

Day 5

Exercise: High knees Sets 5 Time 40s Rest 20s

Day 6

Exercises: Dead bug, sit-up, Russian twisters Time 60s per round

Day 7

Rest Day

Day 8

Exercises: Dead bug, sit-up, Russian twisters, leg raises Time 30s per round

Day 9

Exercises: Dead bug, sit-up, Russian twisters, leg raises Time 40s per round

Day 10

Exercises: Dead bug, sit-up, Russian twisters, leg raises Time 50s per round

Day 11

Exercises: Dead bug, sit-up, Russian twisters, leg raises Time 60s per round

Day 12

Exercise: Frogger Sets 5 Time 40s Rest 20s

Day 13

Exercises: Dead bug, sit-up, Russian twisters, leg raises Time 60s per round

Day 14

Rest Day

Day 15

Exercises: Dead bug, sit-up, Russian twisters, leg raises, mountain climbers Time 30s per round

Day 16

Exercises: Dead bug, sit-up, Russian twisters, leg raises, mountain climbers Time 40s per round

Day 17

Exercises: Dead bug, sit-up, Russian twisters, leg raises, mountain climbers Time 50s per round

Day 18

Exercises: Dead bug, sit-up, Russian twisters, leg raises, mountain climbers Time 60s per round

Day 19

Exercise: Tuck jump Sets 5 Time 40s Rest 20s

Day 20

Exercises: Dead bug, sit-up, Russian twisters, leg raises, mountain climbers Time 60s per round

Day 21

Rest Day

Day 22

Exercises: Dead bug, sit-up, Russian twisters, leg raises, mountain climbers, walking plank Time 30s per round

Day 23

Exercises: Dead bug, sit-up, Russian twisters, leg raises, mountain climbers, walking plank Time 40s per round

Day 24

Exercises: Dead bug, sit-up, Russian twisters, leg raises, mountain climbers, walking plank Time 50s per round

Day 25

Exercises: Dead bug, sit-up, Russian twisters, leg raises, mountain climbers, walking plank Time 60s per round

Day 26

Exercise: Burpee Sets 5 Time 40s Rest 20s

Day 27

Exercises: Dead bug, sit-up, Russian twisters, leg raises, mountain climbers, walking plank Time 60s per round

Day 28

Rest Day

Day 29

Exercises: High knees, frogger, tuck jump, burpee Rounds 3 Time 40s Rest 20s

Day 30

Exercises: Dead bug, sit-up, Russian twisters, leg raises, mountain climbers, walking plank Rounds 2 Time 60s per round

Dead Bug

Lie down on your back with your arms extended towards the ceiling and your legs lifted at a 90-degree angle. Lower your right leg and left arm towards the ground at the same time, straightening them as you go, until they are just above the floor, then bring them back up and repeat with the opposite limbs.


Lie down on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Lift your torso off the ground until it is vertical, then drop back to the starting position using your core muscles.

Russian Twisters

Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet raised just off the ground. Lean back until your upper body forms a 45-degree angle with the floor. Twist your torso from side to side by linking your hands in front of your chest.

Leg raises

Lie down flat on your back. Raise your legs until the soles of your feet are facing the ceiling, keeping them as straight as possible. Slowly return to the starting position.

Mountain climber

Bring one knee up to your chest at a time, then the other, starting in a press-up posture. Alternate knees as needed.

Walking plank

Move one hand at a time up into a press-up position from a plank position supported by your forearms, then descend back onto your forearms one arm at a time.

High knees

Run as quickly as you can while keeping your knees as near to your chest as possible.


Jump both legs forward from a press-up stance so that your feet land outside your hands. Then hop back to the starting position with your feet.

Tuck jump

Jump as high as you can from a standing position, lifting your legs to your chest. Land softly and immediately proceed to the next jump.


Drop into a press-up position from a standing position (and execute a press-up if you want), then jump your feet back to your hands, stand up, and leap straight up. Repeat with a comfortable landing.

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